It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


One Muslim view
I'll bet I know how this guy would answer at least one of my questions below. Abu Hamza al-Masri seems to think non Muslims should be killed, alledgidly. According to the article he has been charged with inciting murder based on race and other hate crimes in the UK. Is your religion your race? I'm not sure how all that works out.

I just called our help desk at my day job. They are calling the support folks Support Engineers. I wonder if this is why so many design jobs are being outsourced. No one takes them seriously. I was a sanitation Engineer for a while (I worked for a maid service for a while during college). In Texas you cannot call yourself an Electrical Engineer in advertisement unless you are certified through the state. You can practice, but you can't put it on your business cards or on your web page. If you outsource the job, there are no such requirements.

Pop Tarts
Pop Tarts tern 40 this year. I cannot believe they have not outlawed Pap Tarts. These little mass produced pastries are responsible for 92% of all adult onset diabetic attacks (I'm making that up). They are a replacement to MREs. I remember the U. S. dropped vegetarian MREs in a  Muslim area to prevent starvation. I thought "drop Pop Tarts."
I know what I'm having for dinner. Yup you guessed it, chicken wings.

HalfLife 2
I cannot wait for this to come out. The hero in the game is named Gorden for God's sake. I plaid the original for hours. We plaid online. I completed the single player game and sucked at the online version. I just can't compete with the twelve year olds who have nothing better to do that learn every nuance of the game. Even getting your ass handed to you is fun sometimes. Not every time though. I have to arrange games with my geezer buddies (30s) so I have some one to smack down.

Tiny Turbines
I am thrilled that some one is working on this stuff. It is a tiny jet engine that puts out electricity and should replace batteries in many kinds of devices. The research is almost ready for the battlefield. The problems of heat and fuel sound like things the researchers can overcome. The device is designed to run on diesel fuel. I'm sure it will have to be well filtered. One D cell battery sized container of fuel can power a device many times longer than a D cell. Once drained , it can be swapped out quickly. This really looks like something that might work. If they get the little generators to work for portable devices, why not more? These engines sound very efficient. The first thing I want to hear is a test of a vehicle filled with these things 
These things eat up oxygen. They generate heat. I can't wait to have one on my belt. Imagen a laptop that runs for a week, then all you have to do is fill a reservoir and you are back in business. No recharging. No dead batteries to dispose of. No exotic chemicals to recycle. I find this very exciting. I hope this pans out. I've said several times that the next big step needs to be batteries. Actually, everybody says that, I just nod and grunt in agreement.

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