It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Stain on the pavement

This morning I missed another perfect opportunity to catch a video. It was just a guy crossing the street to catch the bus. I have sworn to never run for the bus or cross a street out of turn to do so. I've heard too many stories of people tripping and busting their teeth. Metro is not going to pick you up and dust you off after this happens. You are on your own. It is just not worth it.

So, this guy did the classic cross one lane at a time thing that has gotten so many pedestrians killed and maimed over the years. The wheelchair industry is in business because people tried to cross a street one lane at a time. This guy made it look like he had done this sort of thing many times. Still, the potential is there for something catastrophic to happen right in front of my eyes. I watched him. I preyed for him. I should have grabbed my frigging camera and filmed him. Even making it would have made a video worth posting.

it isn't like the camera is buried. Half the time it is in my front pocket. The rest of the time it is in the first pocket of my bag. I do this for just such contingencies. I thought about it and I would have had plenty of time to grab the camera, turn it on and start recording before he started walking. So, even if I would have ultimately not used the video, I'm kicking myself for not catching the situation as it was happening.

Apparently, I only have one slot available for memorizing the keys for a spell checker. As I flip back and forth between programs and have to use different sets of hot keys, I find myself adding incorrect words and ignoring where I meant to replace. It appears that there is some non American kind of standard. I know Microsoft is loosing ground as the leader of all things computer, but this time I wish someone would put their food down and enforce one set of keys for all English spell checking software. I'll hold my breath.

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