It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I spent money on this stupid watch that automatically updates the time. That part works but daylight savings time has to be switched by hand. Apparently, the idea of the target moving around is too much to handle. That switch must be thrown by hand. What is the point? It works on my phone. Do I complain about this every time the switch comes around?

They mowed! I think any way. It looks like parts of the side of the road I walk on have been mowed, but not all of it. There are bits that are still over grown. The cross has been fixed, or at least picked up. Sure makes it easier to see all the garbage.

Monopoly is 75. I hate that game. I suck at it because I'm not ruthless enough to win. I'm not ruthless enough to win at life either. I don't know if winning at Monopoly is a good indicator for success in life, but it has caused some rifts in families that have never healed.

The walk in this morning was nice. Even with the time change and the light straight in my eyes, it was pretty nice. I do walk faster when there is light. That is just a natural side effect of being able to see. It is supposed to get warmer over the rest of the week. Then, it is supposed to rain next weekend.

So, the fountain at work has not been running for a while. Is it the windy days we have had lately? Is it the cold? Is it more construction? The readers of this blog may never know.

Dr Karl. - Just watching a video of someone coughing and or sneezing triggers an immune response in your body. I wonder if it is the feeling of revulsion or something completely unrelated to emotion.

Back Track won't boot the first system I tried it on. It is very difficult to try another system after the first one fails. It was so promising too. There is a Chinese word on the boot screen. This makes me cautious. not sure I want to keep trying it.

G. Gordon Liddy show "They should be working for Main Street, not K Street." K street is in Washington DC. It is where the majority of the lobbies have offices. I like that one.

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