It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • An interviewee with the BBC said that the magic number where the line is drawn between armature and expert is ten thousand hours. That works out to about four hours a day for ten years. Most people who are a success at their job say they started feeling comfortable with their career at about ten years. This interviewee interviews Bill Gates, Tiger Woods and David Became among others. I have a lot of blogging to do before I can call myself a writer.
  • There was a lady who was a real estate agent. She signed up to volunteer at the food shelter when she is not using it. She and her husband pulled in over one hundred thousand a year up to last December so. Makes me glad we are already in a house. Then again. I'm scared to death about being in that kind of commitment.
  • Somewhere I got burned on 'smoky' in the description of flavor. Smoky meats, smoky cheese, smoky tea all make me gag. I do not remember an incident where I got ... burned. Some one at work (Adam) brought in this tea that smells like someone took a 2x4 out of a burned house and scraped some shavings in to a tea bag. It smells like soggy burned pine.
  • The guy who wrote Paul Bunion was actually a lumberjack.
  • I have a ton of bills to pay. I'm staring at the stack right now. I really don't want to pay them. I want the money to stay in the account just that fraction of a little bit linger. I don't know why. It just hurts thinking about it. All the money gone well before Christmas. I really need to win the lottery.
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