It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I lack passion this evening

There have been a couple of things I wanted to bring up on the blog. However, nothing strikes me as worth writing about. I would do a 'very local news' post, but I'm kind of sick of those.

Elle is helping Nat watch a bunch of Ghost Hunters. Elle is making little knickknacks for Christmas.

I'm depressed a bit because we cannot afford to buy Christmas presents for our family members. That hurts. There was a Christmas a couple years ago where I bought a remote control car and a PlayStation for my parents. They loved it. There are times where getting something for Christmas can make you feel better about yourselves. It is shallow, but just plane true.

We are not the only family caught in the economic turn. It is going to get much worse before it gets better. God help all of us make it through. I fear a new war before it is all over. I fear someone who hates the U. S. will use this as a good time for a one two punch or a hey-maker. We, as a country, are over extended. Things are bad. They are going to be bad for a while.I have no trust or belief in the people in charge that they will do any good. I do not believe in a bunch of rich lawyers to make the working-man's life any better. I still like the idea of banning lawyers from occupying public office.I will work most of next week. I have a few things I can work on. They are things that have needed doing for a while.

We have some plans for the week I have off work.

Of all the times for all the bloggers to go on vacation, now sucks. They are signing off for two week vacations in some cases. I'm off. I need something good to read. Legacy Media puts on a bunch of lame crap this time of year because they are all on vacation. Dag-nab-it.

Besides this, the whole family is sick. Nat has sinus headaches. I have a runny nose because I'm popping expectorants like candy. Elle just got over something. Hell, even the grey cat is acting all sick and has a stuffy nose.

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