It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Global Warming Predictions

It turns out that many of the predictions of post-apocalyptic bands of nomadic shade seekers roaming the vast North American continent leaving trails of sweaty head bands and empty mi-ti glasses in their wake were a bit over blown. It turns out that a great number of predictions made about 2008 on the subject of Global Warming never came to pass. Hell, the Farmer's Almanac hired a new climatologist.

2008 will be the hottest year in a century:” The Old Farmers’ Almanac, September 11, 2008, Hurricanes, Arctic Ice, Coral, Drinking water, Aspen skiing

We’re now well into the earth’s third straight harsher winter—but in late 2007 it was still hard to forget 22 straight years of global warming from 1976–1998. So the Old Farmer’s Almanac predicted 2008 would be the hottest year in the last 100.

But sunspots had been predicting major cooling since 2000, and global temperatures turned downward in early 2007. The sunspots have had a 79 percent correlation with the earth’s thermometers since 1860. Today’s temperatures are about on a par with 1940. For 2008, the Almanac hired a new climatologist, Joe D’Aleo, who says the declining sunspots and the cool phase of the Pacific Ocean predict 25-30 years of cooler temperatures for the planet.

You could potentially sail, kayak or even swim to the North Pole by the end of the summer. Climate scientists say that the Arctic ice . . . is currently on track to melt sometime in 2008.” Ted Alvarez, Backpacker Magazine Blogs, June, 2008.

Soon after this prediction, a huge Russian icebreaker got trapped in the thick ice of the Northwest Passage for a full week. The Arctic ice hadn’t melted in 2007, it got blown
into warmer southern waters. Now it’s back. (Reference)

Remember too the Arctic has its own 70-year climate cycle. Polish climatologist Rajmund Przbylak says “the highest temperatures since the beginning of instrumental observation occurred clearly in the 1930s” based on more than 40 Arctic temperature stations.


There are some other predictions that are just plane not panning out. Hurricanes for 2008 are down, even if we did get hit by one here in Houston. Aspen and Perth were not abandon due to lack of water or snow.

I'm flabbergasted. Who is making all the money on this clap-trap? Gore is not doing half bad. There are others. Some people are inventing a commodity called carbon credits to sell to epople. Billions of dollars worth of numbers that mean nothing. Someone is making billions off this Ponzy scheem.

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