It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Race or Gender

Heard something today. I was listening to a podcast called Tell Me More. They were rattling on whether race or gender was more of a destructive force to a person's career. I'm sitting here thinking it is every single attribute of a person that affects them.

The lady made a comment about a t-shirt she saw at a rally once that read "Real Americans have Red Necks, White skin ..." And she couldn't remember what the blue was. I'm guessing "Blue Collars." I don't agree with either the t-shirt or the premise of the podcast.

The purpose of this podcasts is to compare the Clinton and Obama. Who trumps the other.

I'm disabled. I'm not running for president. The president in the thirties was on crutches. That was just before TV so he managed to hide it when in front of a bunch of people. That would not happen today.

Gloria Steinem, the woman being interviewed, sounded intelligent. She is a New York liberal. That means a lot more to me than the fact that she is a woman. At the moment I'm writing this line, I have no idea what race she is. I don't care.

I've said before that my most limiting attribute is pessimism.

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