It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Theory of Everything

I'm trying to work through a thought experiment. Below is a list of questions I walk through in my mind just for fun.

How would light from far away places look to us if the Earth were approaching a black hole?

Would this explain the accelerating expanding universe? The universe is not expanding. Time is slowing down for us. That is , the speed of light, which is really the universal speed limit, is lower and lower every meter the black hole gets closer to us.

Would this explain the ever increasing degree of red shift? If light sources (stars) heading away from us causes a red shif, then so can the universal speed limit, known as the speed of light, lowering and lowering also truncate the light waves and make them look longer to us because we are at a different ratio of time than the place where the light was cast (the star)

If the black hole is approaching Earth at slower than the speed of light, would we see it because the black hole might absorb light faster than it can escape and head toward Earth for us to see? Would we ever see it coming before we hit the even horizon? We can see the effects of black holes on some stars and such.

This is just one other possibility that explains the whole expanding universe thing. I'm just saying.

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