It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I tried to shoot video of the sunrise this morning. I can't decide if it s a wash or if it is worth posting as a 'fail' video. it was just a couple of couple of second long clicks.

I took another quick stab at html 5 last night. There was an update to Chrome for Linux. No go. I did sit down and read the known issues that were on the front page of the YouTube beta test. From memory "Videos with ads will still play in Flash."That makes sense. All those stupid over video ads are in Flash. I wander if that is why no one is leaping to the front of the line to support html 5.

It pisses me off that depression is so many times diagnosed based on what drugs are available. Many of the drugs are no better than a placebo unless the situations are specific. Way too many people are handed a bottle of pills and told to go and sob no more.

Right now U. S. citizens pay 31% (average) of their income in federal taxes. In 20 years, if the current list of political promises are kept, we will pay 45%. Ridiculous.

Had a huge baked potato from the bbq place just down the road. My goodness, it was the size of a football, covered in meat, I smothered it in jalapeƱos and onions and ate it right down to the skin. I had a bunch of work to do that afternoon and nearly passed out from feast. Not bad for $7.

One of the podcasts I listened to today was talking about scarves. What's fashionable and not. I know, "What the hell are you doing listening to that Kelly?" It got better. Some ballerina in the thirties I believe was famous for warring these long flowing scarves. One day she was driving her new Bugatti convertible and was strangled to death by her scarf wrapping itself around an axl.

The iPhone will soon have an SD card reader (external). The iPad will soon have a camera kit from the same company. Screw you Apple.

A young man found out his twin brother had died in a car crash by readying the well wishes for the other passenger who was also in the car crash. He was reading the Facebook updates. The police were having trouble contacting the next of kin. This is scary that Facebook beat the police to notifying family members. Sad, harsh. I heard this on GNC. I know this just sounds like an urban legend.

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