It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Just another day

Assignment, Put Windows Server 2008 R2 MSDN on a couple servers an hour before quitting time. Piece of cake.

Grab my WS 2008R2 DVD and go to the server room.
Look in 4 places where it should be.
Look in 14 places it shouldn't be.
Find it lying on the table in a different lab.
Start install process.
Things go well until I get a read error on the CD. (25 minutes or so)
Try again and get the same result. (25 minutes or so)
Take a good long look at  the DVD and find a huge scratch that I didn't notice until now.
Start quest for another DVD. Surely we have another copy.
Look on our network. No R2
Look in other people's offices and the strange labe that I try to avoid, no R2
Ask Matt, Yay! an R2 disk.
Go home. Get snowed on. Sleep well. Walked in the next morning.
Start install. It is not R2 it is regular old 2008 server.
Rejoin quest for R2.
Find R2 on an external drive in Brian's office.
Put on USB drive.
Start istall. Works. Rejoice!
Go to second server. and start install there.
Hangs at 'Completing Install' (25 minutes in)
Try again
Hangs at 'Completing Install' (25 minutes in)
Remove tricky hardware that we are playing with.
Try again. Worked. Rejoiced

Then I was aloud to do a normal full day's work.

This is what I do all day. Every day. It is always six simultaneous cluster-fucks. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Every thing Chris tried to do with this project has bitten him in the ass and required four things be fixed before every part of every task. It is like having to tie your shoes between every

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