It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Phone RFID

Some day soon you may be able to talk to your phone and it will do things for you. This already happens. It is getting better every day. People don't want to sit there and hold a conversation with their phones, but this will change too as old farts die off and are replaced by more potent geeks.

RFID allows a reader device to tell every unique ID as it passes near the reader. This is how Wal-Mart wants all their vendors to do things so product tracking is a snap. It is great for inventory or attaching a database's data to a physical item. You can get some of the same functionality out of bar-codes, but there is one task bar codes are not up to.

When the RFID reader is in the phone, you can put a small piece of tape on items around you. Then you can turn around and ask the phone where you left things. "Where are my car keys?" "Where did I park the car?"

This functionality will be followed shortly by the virus that makes the phone add the words " idiot." after it's answer to your queries. I will write this virus. All phone users will be under my thumb. ... I've said too much.

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