It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Ignorance Revolution

Even Obama has warned people that there is little difference and no real choice between the current president of Iran and the guy that so many people are clambering for. The current guy is an open blatant prick. The other guys is a slippery shyster type. They both work for the same people.

Nothing is going to come of this turmoil. Iran is still on it's way to nuclear weapons. Women still do not have equal rights in Iran. Taxes are nuts. Unemployment is high. The oil is running out. They got troubles.

The whole issue of people using the internet to get information out of Iran will change soon. There are already signs of the Iranian government setting up a tunneled network that can be far more tightly controlled and filtered in the future. This will make it more like China and some other countries that seem to have gone quiet in the last couple years.

I have a bad feeling that people across the globe are about to get very oppressed. In developed countries, companies and organizations like RIAA will have us paying them not to sue us and censor our ability to complain about said tax by copy writing it in to oblivion. Backward countries are going to get very smart about controlling their citizen's abilities to communicate with the rest of the world. The MSM is going to loose the ability to afford to send reporters to research and track people down thus catching the stories of corruption.

The Ignorance revolution is upon us and we can blame our own absence of the will to listen.

It is a very good thing that we have videos like the one below. It is good to have this communication. I feer it will vanish from the world scene as countries, governments, and those in control learn how to pervay evil in ever more effective hidden ways. The least free people are those who only think they are free. The evil kind of leader  is the one who thinks he is good, but is really evil and just can't come to grips with that.

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