It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • Europeans are finally coming to grips with the failure of multiculturalism.
  • Some U. S. politicians are learning the difference between Islam and Islamist. Islam is a religion. Islamist is a political movement that wants Islamic law to blanket the world.
  • These new boots are killing  me. It turns out they are too big. Not as bad as my old boots did when I got them. I've learned a few tricks to protect myself.
    • Turn the tops of your socks inside the socks. This creates a double layer of sock that rub against each other while protecting the heal. Turning them outside the bottom of the sock makes them head straight for the toe of the boot for some reason.
    • Duct tap is your friend. Band aids in over the area kind of works . Slick top duct tape seems to work well, as long as it doesn't stick to your skin too harshly. Sticking duct tape to your skin (heal) doesn't seem to cause a lot of bad things as long as the skin is healthy. I put duct tape over a band aid that was over a sore and suffered no ill affects (that I know of). I'm sure there is a better solution.
    • Ware two pares of thin socks. This allows the socks to rub against each other instead of your skin.

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