It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Yesterday, around 10:00 I just called Natalie out of the blue. She was upset and muttered something about Elle's school and that I had to come get the car. I heard the word ambulance. She said she had to go and we hung up. I spent the next fifteen minutes maybe thirty minutes trying getting some work done while I called around looking for Elle's school's number. I got hold of them and finally got some information. The head of the school road along with Nat to the hospital a couple of blocks away.

Here is the story second hand. Nat had a dull headache for about four days. She got a sharp pain early Friday in her head and while driving to Elle/'s school experienced blurred vision, a sharp pain, and she felt faint. She made it in to the school's parking lot and got Elle in to the school. Then she asked the head of the school to call an ambulance.

Ken gave me a ride over to the hospital. Where I found Nat, sat and waited, gave a bunch of information, and paid the deductible. I called my parents to help us get the car. Nat got out after a scan that turned out to be all clear. The doctors turned her loose around 15:30 or maybe it was 16:00. We, my parents, Nat and I, got the car, something to eat and meds. My father and I had a nice conversation at the house while waiting for the girls (my mom driving) to get home from CVS.

We got home around ... I think 16:45 or 17:00. Maybe it was earlier than that. Nat and I ate our hamburgers. My parents took off. That is the last thing I remember until about 23:30 when I climbed out of bed. and read some blogs while Nat slept. I was falling asleep at the hospital too. I didn't get up today until 14:00. It was Nat asking me if I wanted anything from Jack in the Box.

I suppose things are back to normal.

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