It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • Left Right and Center is pissing me off again. They are still Kinda Center, Leftists and Pinko in my book. The guy who is supposed to be conservative says the Taliban is stronger than ever. Prove it. The main debate on the show this week was how Obama might loose his campaign if he doesn't move to the center, and that any move is inevitable and necessary to win. Why do I listen to this podcast?
  • World View is another of those liberal podcasts. Conservatives want money for their podcasts, so I don't get any of those. Anyway, This guy from the world bank was proud of the fact that he had been tear-gassed on four continents while protesting some international rule about poverty. I laughed for five minutes after hearing that very proud accomplishment.
  • One of the guys in toe office is about to be a dad for the third time. For the last week or so there has been a good chance he would not make it in. This morning, no one expected him to make it. His poor wife is shopping for trampolines.
  • Dr Karl
    • Dr Karl brought up some interesting points about one child per family in China. A) There is a huge number of people who do not have birth certificates and live in a cash economy. B) This next generation will have no relatives left after their parents die. No brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, or cousins. That is kind of harsh to think about. You don't exist on paper and you have no relatives to speak of. Yikes.
    • 242,422 place of  pi is 424242.
    • 42 minutes is how long it takes to drop an object from one edge of the earth, through the center, to the other side of the earth in a vacuum, assuming you make adjustments for rotation, yadda yadda.
  • On my way back from lunch I noticed two young ladies waring bright colored skirts. They were mid calf length or so.One had long hair and the other had short hair.  It made me think about how few young women I see on a day to day basis waring skirts. I miss women waring skirts and long hair. Maybe they will make a come back.
  • I worked on one script all day. I wrote it and then tested it. Then, I checked it in. I'll find out tomorrow that it doesn't work. Until then, I bask in a minor sense of accomplishment.

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