It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • Elle is five going on sixteen. She will stomp her foot with her hand on her hips and say "Kellyyyyy!" when I pick on her.
  • The alarm thing went well on the back door. Trever made it look easy.
  • Not that the back door is in place, I've looked at storm doors. There is no cover from the north west for the back door. The front door has an overhang to protect from the initial weather blast.
  • There was a story on NPR recently talking about people living out of their cars and RVs because they can't afford a permanent place. One of the people they interviewed was a heroin dealer. He complained that "My customers need to know where to find me."  They called him Steve.  There was a lady standing nearby trying to sell a ring to get money to buy heroin. The drug dealer said something like "Times are tough for drug users too."
    Another person was a migrant farmer who could no longer afford to send money home to his family in Mexico.
  • McBama, ObCaine.
  • Gas is seven to fourteen cents a gallon in Venezuela. it is heavily subsidized.
  • Val Kilmer is going to do the voice for Kit in the upcoming remake of the Night Rider TV series. I just don't think it will last.
  • That Video of the guy freaking out in the office I posted last week is a fake. Bastards.

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