It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


More human than human

The question

What is the difference between  humans and animals? It seems to be important to we humans to separate ourselves from animals. We must prove we are superior to that which we eat or subjugate to our will.

Wrong answers

Is it the use of tools? No, It has been proven that some animals use what can only be described as tools to do things. Some monkeys use sticks to get at fruit. Birds use rocks to break shells of invertebrates. Some fish do the same.

Is it collective creativity? No. Ant hills, bee hives, herds, packs, schools, all collective cooperation for a common goal. Our societies are more chaotic and crime ridden than any of these groups.

Is it transportation? No. No animals build their own transportation as far as I know, but they will use what is available and hitch rides with each other. That is how humans got started with transportation.

Is it the thumb? No, What is to stop a dog from saying a tail makes him a superior being when they get around to talking? Just because we can grasp things and rotate them with greater ease than some other animals, doesn't make us a higher life form.  If this is the case, elephants have us beat.

Is it religion? I hope not. Some would say religion should bring humans down a notch from the animals. Who is to say our pets don't warship us or each other. Or that very special tree, or all things that go squeak.

Is it suicide? Seriously, No because I've seen a scorpion kill itself in a movie when sounded by fire.

Is it murder? No. Animals will kill their own kind. I've even heard of a psychotic female monkey killing other pregnant females for no apparent reason.

Is it laughter or sadness or morning or glee or any reaction to any emotion? No. It could be said that animals have responses to most or all of the same range of emotions as humans. Maybe even some that we do not understand.

The question is the answer?

Is  it because we ponder the very question? This is possibly the closest one yet. I still say no because how do I know what thoughts or passions pass a creature's mind while slipping through cold dark quiet waters between meals and mating. Until we  can discuss the question with another animal, I have to say this one misses the target as well.

This is really a cop-out answer. Someone who is well versed in acting and animal psychology should play the part of animals and argue the point for them. I would like to witness this debate. Humans vs animals, which is superior? Which deserves 95% of the world's resources?

The real answer

Humans are not superior to so called lower animals. We are simply tuned higher in many attributes. We are smarter. We are more capable of adaptation. That is we adapt our environment to fit us in stead of the other way round. We communicate in a complex manor. Yadda yadda.

Why are we obsessed with calling ourselves higher than other things and each other? Is life more important to the universe  than a rock? I doubt it.

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