It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I do a bunch of testing in my new job. It is no secret. For a long time I have wanted to put my information down electronically. I can do this, but I could not publish to the place where we keep all the data. It only excepts text data and I need to keep things in a table to keep everything straight. I use an HTML editor that is built in to Mozilla. It is the one I use to put my blog entries together and keep notes all over the place. It is just plane raw HTML. Nothing fancy. That is why I like it. I decided yesterday to heck with it and just keep the HTML files with my email archive. Now, I fill out the HTML table as I do my work. It is so much better. I was using a clipboard with a notepad and had written tables every day. I even used a 90 degree and a ruler. My drafting father would be proud. I wonder if the crappy pencils I bought had something to do with the decision. Well, regardless, I'm all electronic now.
The funny thing is, I miss writing things down. I can understand why people were passionate for so long about not giving up their paper books and cursive. I print everything exclusively now because I might want to read it in the future. You just get used to things and they feel gone when you replace them. This way is better and I will stick with it. I don't really miss the paper and pencil method. It just feels funny for a while.

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