It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Coming to a fountain near you
glow in the dark bubble bath
Maybe you can't suds a fountain with this stuff, but can that be far behind?


Teenagers are more selfish than adults because they use a different part of their brain to make decisions compared to adults, new research suggests.
Blakemore found that teenagers rely on the rear part of the mentalising network to make their decisions, an area of the brain called the superior temporal sulcus. In contrast, adults use the front part, called the prefrontal cortex.
... explained by an evolutionary mechanism in which the development of the brains of adolescents takes precedence over its performance. “You don’t need to be on a par with other people because you are looked after until reproductive age. Only then do you need to start to take into account other people’s perspectives.”

Scientific proof that teenagers really are assholes until they grow up.
This is eye opening. So, at what time does the switch take place? I think when you strike out on your own. That is when it happened for me. I've heard so many people say that same thing. Someone famous once said "When I was sixteen, my father was the stupidest man I ever met. By the time I was twenty, I wondered how the old man learned so much in four years." Switch thrown.

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