It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Top News
I'm getting complacent. Let's look at the top news for Yahoo today. What is "news" coming to?
Latest Iraq Suicide Attack Leaves 30 Dead
I see this same headline nearly every day. It just doesn't grab me any more. Something like 35,000 U. S. Troops survive another Terrorist bombing in Iraq, now that would get my attention. Well, for a while anyway.
Natural Gas Users to Take Hit This Winter
This hurts. I knew it was coming. How much? A lot. There is going to come a point where people cannot afford to drive to work.
Economic Fallout From Bird Flu a Concern
Oh, not to mention the piles of bodies that have not yet materialized. They say it could kill 1.2 million Americans if it does what they think it might. Scary stuff. I'm investing in canned food and shotguns.
Apple Expected to Unveil Video iPod
It is about frigging time. If it does satellite TV and surfs the web, I'm in.
Report: It's Over for Jude and Sienna
Who put this up as a "top story"? Who Cares? He banged the babysitter. He deserves it. She was right for leaving his cheating ass.

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