It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Rita, the hurricane, taught me something fundamental. For a short time I was put out of my home. That had not happened before. Even though I went straight to my parent's place only a little ways away, I was still running to safety in a very minor sense. I was displaced, as they say. The power went out at my apartment complex tor nearly two days. That was about the extent of the damage.
Now, this morning I read about an earthquake in Pakistan. Suddenly the memories of evacuating my family come to my mind. The stories I hear from those at work and their families come poring before me. I remember the displace families at the dome. A friend of mine took in some strangers and helped them get jobs. I imagine the displaced families, moving to a friend's place or with their extended family. I imagine the people who have burned bridges over anger who had no where to go. I say a prayer, learn a lesson, and move on.

1 comment:

Michael said...

You're such a strong person, being able to move on. I can't imagine how hard it is for you to have those memories.