It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I have a friend who is doing the MS150. This monstrosity is tomorrow and Sunday. I wish for no injuries greater than a blister and no broken spirits.
I have another coworker who just told me she intends to work all weekend. It is a beautiful weekend. I wish she would get out and do something. I actually have plans to get some pictures taken weather permitting.
On a related subject. I have a coworker who is technically moving from one department to another. She has the same office, and most of the same people under her. Someone still got a card together for her and those of us who are no longer under her signed our names. That is not a problem. It just kind of strikes me as strange that there is a card presented in this situation.
On a not so related topic. My desk at work has a notebook computer propped up almost vertical so the screen is straight in front of my face. This puts the keyboard directly below the screen. I've noticed myself three or four times today trying to click my mouse on buttons on the keyboard. It cracks me up.

I have made zero progress on the short story. I have too many ideas to present in one short story. I need a novel. I need some skill at writing too. Is there any market in outlines? I need to start earlier in the existence of my characters. I am currently jumping in a bit quick. I assume the reader knows anything about these guys. That is bad. I never said I was any good at this kind of thing.
Get to work Mom. The first one to get a rejection letter from a publisher wins.

A friend of mine sent these comical pictures to me in an email. Some of them are funny. I don't know most of the original sites, so I'm just going to repost them here.
iglu humor
turtle humor
pen humor
Stray dog humor
Killing Wife humor
More wife humor

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