It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Trying Doom III
Wish me luck.
. . .
Well, it is hours later and my neck and hands hurt from fragging until I can frag no more. Even on easy mode I needed the cheat codes. That is just me. I've never been particularly good at these games. I do enjoy playing them though.
The game is dark. You have a flashlight that you can use to beat things to death with. The shotgun is useless unless you are right on top of your foe. The pistole is under powered. The Chainsaw rocks. Why have chainsaws on Mars? That is what the shipping clerk asks. There are a bunch of places in this game where you are just plane ambushed. It is every corner. The little robots are cool I wish I had a legion of them. They use a PDA to hold all the game information and objectives. You download other's PDAs to access security and get through doors. The emails are useful. You have to unlock the weapons lockers with a code. There are too many little run and jump puzzles. Of course, any are too many for me. Why would they design a maintenance platform that no sane person could ever use to perform maintenance? I haven't found any vehicles to drive. Just tons of locked doors you have to be railroaded down a specific linear path to open and continue the game. The thing is, it plays exactly like the original game. I hear the original Doom 95 is in the cheat codes.
My final word on the matter is to pick it up if you are a frag-freak like me. I remember universities banning Doom from the network. I remember buying a network card and cables just to play Doom. It was the first time my computer was connected to another. Those were the days. The days Yahoo was a couple of collage geeks who still had "Grrrly Stuff" on the front page.

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