It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I got four positive comments on my boots today. They are almost worth the too much money I spent on them. Well, no. I paid more than I should have. The break in period is nearly over. I only have the slightest warm spot between my toes now. It won't be long before they ware like moccasins.

Oh, MY GOD!!!
If I were in charge, which I'm not, I would give this bitch the death penalty for being stupid and reckless.  She adopts seven kids. She dumps them in Africa. She was on her way to Iraq when some guy from San Antonio found the kids by accident. The kids are bound to be all messed up. They were abandoned in another country.

Trailer Parts and Axles
My mobile phone number is similar to a the phone of a place called Trailer Parts and Axles. I get these random phone calls from dyslexic hillbillies. "I need to order some parts ..." I'm telling you, one of these days I'm going to just say "sure, what's your credit card number?" and just move on with my life. They all sound like that guy on the Simpsons Kletis, the slack-jawed yokel.

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