Well, there is a big thing going on in my life at the moment that I cannot write about. I'm undergoing a change. I hate it some times. I want to just blurt it out.
Some Things I Learned Today
The United States is the biggest market for Latin music in the world.
Purple pens and highlighters are the new big thing this school season.
Nonhours Worked: The number of hours a worker puts in off the clock.
How many dyslexics does it change to take a light bulb?
Did you hear about the Aggie bank robber? He tied up the safe and blew the guard.
Cool Stories
Caller ID spoofing. This is cool. I hope this becomes open to the public. They seem to think this will be challenged in court as a deceptive trade method. I don't care. It will be an option on every mobile phone soon enough.
This guy is going to need that wheel chair if he doesn't put on a helmet.
The Name game
Click here for the game
Anna, Bo Banna
Bonana, Fanna, Fo Fanna
Fee, Fy, Mo Manna
Cynthia, Cynthia, Bo Bynthia
Bonana, Fanna, Fo Fynthia
Fee, Fy, Mo Mynthia
Let try Chuck
Chuck, Chuck, Bo Buck
Bonana, Fanna, Fo F***
Fee, Fy, Mo Muck
Nice. The Java has an oops check built in.
Wonders of Google
It never cease to amaze me what you get when you type some random screwy stuff into Google. Take "Hoky Poky" for example. I got back art, cookies, and poetry. The Internet is still a good thing.
Hard problems to over come
I'm watching some old episode of Babylon 5. This could just as easily be any SciFi show. There are so many imposable problems to over come in SciFi flicks. Gravity, inertia, the fact that spaceships don't bank like airplanes, the astronomical cost of space travel all are usually skipped. Babylon 5 takes on some of these factors. They are over budget and things keep breaking because the contractor who had the lowest bid cut corners. They also have ships turn on their axis and fire at another ship without banking. They also have the large space station rotate to mimic gravity. The small ships still don't really explain things well. They also suffer labor disputes and have to deal with the media and diplomats, who are of course are at each other's throats.
The human condition is specifically designed for gravity. We need it like we need air. Our bodies rapidly fall apart without the strain of walking around.
Speaking of SciFi and things fiction.. . Did you ever notice how similar Ed and Fred are? I have a wall hanging of Ed from Cowboy Bebop. One evening I was watching an old episode of Angle and it hit me. Fred and Ed are strikingly similar.
Fred joined the Angel series when one of Cordelia's visions called the group to the dimension where she was trapped.
Ed joined the Crew of the Bebop (the name of the ship) when she files a fake skip trace wanted add and lures them to her planet.
Fred is introverted, kind of bubbly and weired, but extremely smart, naive.
Ed is extroverted, very weired, and extremely smart and street savvy.
Ok, maybe they are not all that much the same.
Okay, how many dyslexics *does* it take to screw in a light bulb?
I hope that you forgot to write the punchline there and I'm not the butt of this joke.
Well, there is a big thing going on in my life at the moment that I cannot write about. I'm undergoing a change. I hate it some times. I want to just blurt it out.
Come out already. We will support you. Even if marriage should be between a man and a woman, doesn't mean two men can't be in love. Don't hide it anymore!
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