It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


When you do an ls -al (ls = list as in dir in DOS) you get a list of the files in the current folder with their permissions. To change the mode of a file (permissions) the command is chmod. a command looks something like the following.

chmod 664 <filename>

What do the numbers mean? Think binary.









... And so on. There are three sets of three privilege attributes. There is one additional bit on the far left, called the sticky bit, that no one really knows what it does. Until you stumble across the holly grail of the sticky bit, ignore it. The first set of three are for user (The user who created the file. Known as owner in Microsoft world.). The second set of three is for the group to which the file belongs. The third set of three is for all (or world).
Linux has mime types (Don't look it up. It means nothing), but does not use file extensions to determine what to do with you activate it. The only way Linux knows to run a binary or a script is that the file has the execute "x" attribute in the appropriate section.
I know no one cares. I felt this information had to be ported to the masses. I'm sick of it biting me in the ass every time I have to deal with vendors.

Baseball Game
My day job went to a baseball game yesterday. It was actually fun. I was worried it would be a drag going to a game with people from my job,but it was OK. I ran around taking a bunch of pictures of the stadium and people.
Before the game we went to a place called
Onion Creek. This was about 11:30 or so. We started drinking there with a beer or so before the 1;05 game. This is an awesome place. I tis just plane cool. It is a coffee house with good food, beer and wine.
I didn't even know I was going until about 9:00 or so. Josh came in and handed me a ticket. He and some of the guys received a family upgrade to the club level seats.
The game was fun. I didn't stay in the seat much. I wandered around snapping a few shots. There is on shot lined up right down the track that allows you to get a cool picture of the train. It is from a rarely used stairwell in the back of the place. I think i have more fun watching the people than the game. There were a couple of guys smoking weed in the tour out back. The smell was strong enough to knock you out. There were a bunch of school kids there on field trips. I never went to a baseball game on a field trip. They looked like private schools.
It was the aftermath that was fun. We ended up at the
Flying Saucer. The waitresses were warring these little Catholic schoolgirl outfits. What killed me was these girls in the white knee-high socks. I only took one picture, because I was afraid I would get arrested. I need to get out more.
I got my first look at the light rail. It is very quiet. I can tell why a couple of people have been hit.
I made it in to work at my normal time of 6:00 AM. I have gotten work done too. I admit, after lunch I was all but useless. I can't say that is abnormal for a Friday afternoon.

Art Car Parade
I'm going to try to make the Art Car Parade tomorrow. It may give me even more picture opportunities. They will appear on the blog, worry not.

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