I actually walked in on a Monday morning and wrote a non-confrontational email addressing unsatisfactory answers to questions I've had for weeks/months that were now being given to the fourth person. That is an accomplishment. Normally I want to rip some one first thing on Mondays. I was not in a particularly good mood, but I controlled myself and simply responded.
I went to a Starbucks with a friend yesterday evening. It was nice to get out of the house. I have those days where I will just sit there and surf the net avoiding anything productive. I didn't write in the blog yesterday because I was in a crummy mood until my friend called. I get a call "You want to get a beer or coffee?" I opted for coffee. We spoke of our thoughts on relationships, business, and cars rubbing on the pavement on the way out of the parking lot. When I got home, of course, I was hyper until well after my bed time.
Conquering the night
I can't believe it, I ordered a night vision monocular last night. They had a really cool one that was powered by a hand crank (no batteries). How cool is that?!? I opted for one that was even cooler, because it is (wait for it) WATERPROOF!!! Yes!!! I can take it on the boat. I can use it in the fog. I can use it in the rain. I have no real use for a night vision device. It is just cool. I can't wait to get it. I'm sure you will hear more on the blog in the future. I don't think I can take pictures through this model, but I will try. I could find practically no information on how these things work. There is a drastic lack of information on comparison shopping. This one had the same numbers as a bunch of other devices comparably priced and was waterproof on top of it all. That is the one I went with.
I even have an excuse all ready if some one gets upset by my being in possession of a night vision device. "Hey, I'm legally blind I need this." It is kind of the truth. I wonder if I can blog from jail?
Capturing Images
I was watching the Simpsons on the computer and saw the one where Homer comments on the kids having pink skin and five fingers. They show the three kids for a second as real people. I tried for an hour to capture the image from the frame, but the system would not let me. What happens is the image you see is separated from the rest of the screen. The window the stream is displayed in is really just black, or actually a magic number that looks like black to the user. If you try to capture the image using Alt-Print Screen you get a black box when you paste it into a program. The funny thing is, when you drag the image program past the display of the stream, the stream shows in the frame. This is because the 2D screen (the user interface) only sees the funny black color. The MPEG engine generating the stream on the screen is just looking for the proper funky black color inside the appropriate area of the screen to display. Bastards. I may have to break out the digital camera and snap the shot manually. I hate that. This happens even when I use the "capture frame" function in the software itself. The really annoying thing is, this isn't even for copy protection or anything like that. It is just a messed up function in the software.
(Photo of the screen shrunk and brightened)
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