It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Some people
I just had a conversation with a buddy of mine. He is a product of the public school system, same as me. He didn't know that Utah was a state. He thought it was a City. I think he was thinking of Omaha (Nebraska) or something. Utah is a state. Salt Lake City is the capitol. I know this because I've been there We landed in Salt Lake and drove a mini-van to Yellowstone. We stopped in a store on a hill to get sandwich stuff and batteries for the trip. I understand not knowing the provinces of another country. I understand going through the public school system and missing out on some pretty basic stuff (like spelling and grammar), but it is difficult to think that some one can grow up watching TV every day and not hear the state of Utah mentioned a couple of times.
This guy's big clam to fame is that he stole a dozen cases of those little bottles of liquor they put in hotel bars a couple of years ago. I wander what happened to all that liquor. It filled the back of a pickup truck.

1 comment:

CyndyMW said...

Hopefully your buddy also doesn't know that you have a blog, or never learned how to read the post you just made about him. :o)