Lately every day feels like Monday. I've taken to numbering the days as Monday(1), Monday Number 2, Monday Number 3 and so on. I carry on writing programs. I carry on testing. I carry on the paper work. I would say I need a change in my life, but I fear change. I'm terrified slightly more by change than I am at things staying the same.
This bleeds over into my every day life. Work is my everyday life. I want more than that. I want to let some one into my life, but again, I fear change more than I fear the status quo. I need to embrace change. Pretty heavy stuff for a Monday Number Four morning.
So, what do I intend to do about it? Well, I intend to get out of the apartment a bit more often. I intend to force some changes upon myself that I know I need to make.
There is a debate on the BBC (Five Live) today about the many wars around the world that are forgotten. There is a show on this evening in England that covers 16 wars on one specific day all around the world. On of the countries is Laos. A woman plants a device at the side of the road while her fellow soldiers protect her carrying muskets. The army they fight has armed attack helicopters. Yet, they fight. There was a quick debate if humans (men) are predestine to make war. One of the issues is the definition of the word peace. as the absence of war. This implies the default is war to some.
My day job has a fence all the way around the complex. There is no real way for pedestrians to enter the place except through the vehicle gates. That is another issue. There are apartment complexes on both sides of the property. One of the apartment complexes actually built buildings right up to the edge of the property. The fence is only between the buildings. One wall of the buildings is on our company's side. A result of this is people's windows open to this company's property. Some air conditioners are open to the parking lot and must be accessed from this company's property. It floors me that this company let this sort of thing happen. It is a blow to safety and security. Whatever.
Anyway, as a result of having these apartments so close, a buddy was walking through the parking lot and saw a domestic groundhog/hedgehog/rodent of some kind washing itself in a puddle. He mentioned it in passing about a year ago and the image in my head is still there, bright and clear. I don't even know which parking lot he was walking through, but I can see and hear the little animal splashing around in my head. I wonder if it made it back home.
This is the same guy with a story about raccoons that will put in stitches when he tells it He and a bunch of buddies went camping at a state park. They didn't realize it, but they were near the campground dumpsters. This didn't faze them until, late in the evening, the raccoons walked through their camp toward the dumpsters. I wish I could properly describe the sound he makes when he tells this story.
He will say something like "We are sitting around the campfire and we hear this rustling in the bushes. Then, we hear this sound like irrirreeerrirreeeer ..." He describes being besieged by raccoons on their way to the dumpster. The sound he makes will kill you. (You should hear the computer read that. It is pretty close.)
Cool Stuff
I've often wandered if i could find my way around Springfield blindfolded (as long as Maggie is not on the road). Now some one has gone through and put together a full map of Springfield USA. That is so cool. I wish I had the time and gumption to do stuff this cool. All I do all day is work and ... ummm .... watch the Simpsons. I plan on having this thing open the next time I watch an episode so I can follow along with my finger and find out what kind of job these guys did.
Buddy's new car
My buddy got a new Audi Allroad. It is basically an A6 with a bunch of extras. Sweet machine. I like it better after he had the bumpers painted. We went to lunch this afternoon. It has nice pep. the air suspension adjusts all the time, but you can't tell.
500 Megapixel
I'm a photo nut, or I would just let this one slide by. They are going to strap a bunch of camera receivers together and get a single picture together that can be scanned and compare the light given off from stars. The experiment is supposed to prove the existence of dark matter. Well, well, well. Are they finally going to give up on the concept of dark matter when it is prove to be crap, CRAP, CRAP!?
I went on that lunch, too. What a nice car. I realize that he works at the same company that I do, but it doesn't show. Why am I the only one who doesn't drive a luxury car?
I bet today (Friday) didn't feel like Monday. Tell everyone about your lovely double date at lunch. :-P
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