It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch Conversation

  • One of the new people had his first encounter with our big boss. No details follow.
  • GenCon
    • One of the guys was warring a shirt that said "Rogue" on the back of it. That took fifteen minutes to explain. Something about betraying his party at GenCon. Well played.
    • There was a game at GenCon all about reading brain activity and moving a ball up and down. There was much made about how the ball acted when some people put on the helmet.
  • Wedding photos.
    • Which lead to bachelor party discussion.
    • Which lead to another bachelor party discussion.
    • Which lead to some places not family friendly.
    • Something about a party bus related to the wedding.
    • Something about a festival outside the wedding.
  • There were better sushi places, but this one is right across the street from work. Fortunately, they have some chicken choices. The chopsticks nearly killed me, but I did it.
  • My blog has been sucking lately. I agree.
    • I'm just plane tired and use up all my brain power learning my new position at work.
    • I'm trying to think of things to video.

I don't remember any mention of video games. I spent so much time trying to master my chopsticks that I missed much of the conversation.

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