It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



The c key is dying on my home keyboard at the house. I pound the ctrl-c when something goes wrong. I have a history of pounding keyboards. Even in the best of times I mash the keys due to learning to type on a manual typewriter. I've had a keyboard explode. I threw one across the room and spent half the evening hunting down a couple keys. One was in the sync if memory serves.

I tweeted about my keyboard sorrows. After mentioning the fail of my c key a friend answered my wail of woe. He tweeted "Play in b flat." hell of a guy that Lance.

This issue has made me a bit more conscious of how people are affected by their keyboards. For a very long time we have had a situation where the keyboards at work were very precious. Then, we had some keyboards come loose and we bought some keyboards at about the same time. This means, don't let any one know, we have a couple half decent keyboards lying around.

Some new and perhaps undeserving people got half decent keyboards because they are available. Some people who go the dregs of the best we could do at the time have gotten one of these half decent keyboards because I think it is only fair.

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