It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Fedora 11 upgrade

They ship Fedora 11 with a beta version olf Firefox again. I've lost the ability to use one of the add-ons that I use every day called extended copy menu. Remember a couple days ago I said I don't use Opera because it doesn't have any way to copy as html? Well, now neither does Firefox.

Thanks Fedora. You assholes just made my life miserable again.

When am I going to wise up and switch permanently to Ubuntu? They handle upgrade far more gracefully. I guess I'll never learn.

That and

Flash no longer works so no flash. No YouTube, no nothing. Thanks Fedora.


So later, I decide to do an update of the system to make sure I captured all the changes. I'm starting to wonder if nothing actually updated because there are now 1900+ updates loading. This will take all night. It will probably not work. I made a backup of my personal files. Most stuff is on the internet anyway. This is ridiculous. It should not take an entire weekend to upgrade a computer regardless of OS.

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