It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • Cannibal women in the avocado jungle of death. Someone paid for this movie to be made. Written by the same screen writer who wrote Pretty Woman.
  • I didn't get to sleep until after 02:00 last night. I'm trying the no caffeine thing to get back on track. I'm pretty sure that is why I was unable to drift off.  Then a buddy comes in today and says he was up late, among other things, reading my blog. He complains about not having enough time to spend with his family or playing video games for that matter.
  • I had to kill a spider last night. Merlin, the gray and white cat, had it cornered under a night light in the hall. Nat said she didn't want to kill it because she doesn't want to bring harm to living things. I protested that killing a spider that is potentially dangerous to our collective family is not really harm. It is self defense in my book, even if it is preemptive. To me, the word 'harm' implies more than damage. It implies an intent, or willingness to allow damage. I just didn't want the spider biting one of us or the cats.
  • There have been more of these Very Local News blog entries lately. I've had a couple people tell me they like them, so I'm putting more of them up. They come out pretty readable and keep people informed. I can cover a bunch of topics that I do not have more than a paragraph of information or opinion about. If a Very Local News bullet turns in to a couple of paragraphs, it can easily be put in its own entry. Let me know if you hate them.
  • The walking stick gets used every day. Nat ran me up to REI a couple weeks ago to get one. It being summer, my ears are all messed up from allergies. I use the telescoping walking stick between the house and the bus stop. This afternoon I noticed a guy walking from the parking garage to the building with a cane. As I caught up to him I noticed it was a similar device to mine, just a bit shorter. He looked to be in his thirties. I wonder if he had an injury or something. He was walking with a limp.
  • I got a bunch of little things done at work today. Nothing big really. Sometimes that is best. The little things needed doing.

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