It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



So, I officially hate Independence day. Nat ran around the driveway and picked up twenty pieces of fireworks. We popped none. It was the little bastards from across the street. They had a roman candle war in the dry grass of the field across the street from our house. I'm not sure how all the trash ends up in our driveway except it most come from the field adjacent to our house.

Ordered some more RAM for both computers. Nat really needs some on her Vista box. I just can't let her out do me on RAM so I ordered some too.

We went to Sam's and spent over $400 on a month's food and supplies. I do not know where to go with that statement. I am dumbfounded.

The new over pass goes over Sam's Club too. We had to flip-a-bitch in the middle of Highway 6. Nat squealed the tires and everything. Very Top Gear.

Off to eat pizza and lick my wounds after paying the bill.

1 comment:

wRitErsbLock said...

we cleaned up all the debris from our meager $35 pile of legal explosives that night. Then, in the morning, we had to clean up all the debris that either landed in our yard or was blown there by the wind overnight from the very impressive illegal show the people in the cul-du-sac put on. They easily spent $10K on their fireworks. How do people afford that?