It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


My Political Cause

I was listing to NPR today. I listen to NPR podcasts because talk radio charges for their podcasts. There is an organization called New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty. Well, no shit. I should have guessed. Just hearing the words "New York" mentioned in the same sentence as "death penalty" should have been enough for me to imagine this organization and even come up with it's name out of thin air.

I want to start an organization called Texas for Putting Down as Many Bad People as Need It. What do you think? We can hold barbecue meetings and list things like skeet shooting, bass fishing, and tractor pulls  as get-together ideas. We can hold member drives at Nascar events. I'll be proud when we open the Berkley California chapter.

Those New York folks better count their blessings that I'm so lazy.

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