It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • Guantanamo is a great recruitment tool for the Taliban.
  • When I spell-checked Guantanamo, it offered Quintin as an option.
  • Peyote is not a right under religions freedom. This ruling is allowing same sex couples to sue churches if the church will not perform same sex marriages.
  • Fedora is pissing me off.Shit is breaking and it is pissing me off. As much as I frigging hate changing to another OS, I will if it keeps pissing me off. The text to speech software and Firefox are crashing. They take other stuff with them when they go. The more I think about it the madder I get.
  • Work was better today. Long, hard, but I feel like I got something done. I ended up having to stay late enough to miss my friend's graduation from the police academy. That sucks. She didn't sound too happy about it.
  • Natalie is watching Dharma and Greg she borrowed from the library.  It is nice to hear her laugh. Elle is at her grandfather's place. Tomorrow we head over to an REI sale. We have no money, but that shouldn't matter.
  • It's been raining weired last couple of days. Nat is convinced that the hail did some damage to the roof. When I worked at my old job I got off at three. That is when the rain came. Now I get off at six or so and the rain comes around then. I'm a jinx.
  • There are now videos I want to put on the blog this evening. They all suck or kind of look like they are staged. Some of the Russian videos turned out to be promotions for movies or advertisement firms trying to get their name out. Bastards.

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