It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Stressful Day

Have you ever had one of those days where you can't catch your snap? Something stressful happens and you cannot get your focus. You ponder and are constantly distracted by this thing that feels like it is looming over your head. Everything you do, you have to regain your focus, stop and think.

Then you have one of those days where everything clicks. You are in the zone. You can block distraction and plot points ahead of you with second nature abandon. Events happen like a well oiled machine. Things work

If there were a pill that let you focus on tasks and not the thing that is bothering you, it would sell like Viagra.

I believe firmly that there is good stress and bad stress. Good stress is the thing you focus on and get done. There is a sense of accomplishment. You shout "YES!!" when it is all done. Bad stress is when things go wrong and stay wrong. When you have to make up for things that are not going your way, or there is no closure on a great deal of effort, that is bad stress. You might shout "DAMN!!" and shake your fist at the heavens.

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