It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Sleeping in

Got up at 17:30 today. I've noticed, when left to my own choice, I will sleep in on Saturday until the sun goes down. This is not because I need the sleep or anything. I just don't want to get out of bed. I prefer to dream my day way. When I can watch the sun climb up the blinds it is late afternoon and I know that it is safe to get up. I think it has something to do with my eating patterns. I don't eat lunch regularly. I do eat dinner regularly. I think sleeping Kelly is just holding out until the first meal of the day rolls around. I used to sleep in until eleven on Saturday. I used to eat lunch every day back when I could afford it.

There is some element of depression involved too. Natalie wants to have a baby. We are so broke that I cannot keep her and Elle fed and under a roof like I would want. Perfect time to have a baby. Every one around her is having kids. It brings her down. Our group of friends has hit that age where they all want to have kids. I suppose it is natural.

I have no degree. I have little experience outside IT. It is getting to the point where no one in the U. S. is going to have a job in an industry that can possibly be performed over seas. I'm going to have to move to China to get a job in IT. I won't get a job there either because I will be competing with fifty million degreed and hungry people who know they will only have one child.

I'm nearly forty years old. I have no prospects for improving my position. I have little to look forward to except a life of work. I have no retirement. I have no plans on retiring. No pension. Social Security will collapse the day before I'm eligible. I only hope that I have the health to work until the day I die. That is the plan.

No wonder I stay in bed until 17:30. I'm going back. Catch you tomorrow, after five.

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