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Amy Winehouse

I heard that Amy Winehouse has early signs of emphysema. Isn't she in her twenties? Someone said she is a chain smoker. I've heard five  or more packs a day. Is that possible? How many cigarettes can a human smoke a day without dying of nicotine poising?

I stopped and listened to some of her music last night. I thought it was beautiful, sad music before I heard this news. Now I add tragic to that description.

What is the deal with brilliant stars burning bright and dying young? Who is a star who was bright when they were young, aged well and is still going strong at an older age, or was still going strong when they died at an older age? Is it just the drugs? Is it the hounding by fans? Is it fame? It is not money. It is not money. There are many people with money who are not self destructive. There are broke people who are destructive. Do these people think they are supposed to live fast and die young?

Her work is great. She has a blues sound in some over her work. Some of her songs have a pop sound. Others have a rock beat of some kind. She is skilled. She is also a twenty something burn out who smokes crack and a carton os cigarettes a day. Don't sign any ten year contracts.

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