It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


WoW on South Park

South Park put all their episodes online. The most recent ones have contractual issues that means you have to wait for a month to see them or something like that. Anyway, it means that I, the kid without cable, can finally watch one of my favorite mature cartoons again. The episodes have been available online for years if one was willing to bend the rules. I didn't

I heard of an episode of South Park that was all about WOW (World of Warcraft). The kids all run home to get online and spend every waking moment gaming like mad. They stumble across a master of WOW who kicks their ass. They all gang together and go hog wild killing wild bores for experience points. The kids return with a plan to slaughter the master who repeatedly kills them with the greatest of ease, but it takes the intervention of the WOW staff who are more worried about the participation numbers plummeting than the kids or game play itself.  In the form of a sword that saps magic abilities, the kids finally bring the master down. That is not a victory. I think someone who put that much effort in to defeating an enemy would would feel cheated.

I like the last couple lines of the episode. "What do we do now?" one of the minions asks. Cartman answers "We can actually play the game." not realizing that is what they have been doing the whole time.

There were a couple of times in the episode where someone (the mother of one of the kids usually) would question the intensity with which the kids and one of the dads would pursue their effort to conquer a common adversary. By the end of the episode, the mom in question is livid with all the time spent on this effort, particularly by the father.

Hey lady, I feel your pain. I have no idea why women spend so much time and effort worrying about what he said or she said or why someone wore something or cars about a cause in a country far away when people have the exact same problems on their own street or city. I just don't get that sort of stuff. Many women just don't get the need for men to win something. Testosterone causes us to be physically, as apposed to emotionally, comparative.

The show also shows the kids getting fat and speckled with zits as they spend so much time in front of the twenty first century's idiot box.  One of the kids develops a repetitive stress disorder.  They spend all their time in a dark room eating junk, cut off from the world. ... Yikes! I'm not even playing games and Nat says I'm the same way.

1 comment:

AnnaBanana said...

The best episode ever is the one about "Chopping off wee-wees is NOT cool!"

Kyle's little brother is having a bris & they think that means it's totally getting chopped off.

In the end, one of the parents explain they're not going to cut it off, they're just going to snip it so it looks bigger.

Then all the kids want a bris.