It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


More Election Crap

There was an interview with McCain on one of the podcasts I listen to. he sounded like the guy the Republican party put up to loose. He sounded mousy. He was all about denying the battle between the democrats made any difference for him.  It would take a an act of God for him to win the presidency in my book. I just don't plan on it.

The Democrats have been at each other's throats. People know they are voting for the next president in this race for the Democratic party's nomination. People keep saying they believe the Republicans have a chance. It is not in their eyes. The Democrats smell blood.

The super delegates do not have to stand by their constituents opinion, nor do they have to listen to the popular vote. I say, if they are not willing to ever over tern the popular vote, why have them at all? The process questions are getting in the way of real issues. My wallet, my friends in the war, my country circling the drain, my culture burning to ashes before me. These are the things that occupy my mind. Please allow me to be blunt, I don't give a rat's tits about what is between the next president's legs, or what color it is.

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