It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


"What is with the guy coated in blood?" This is a question Adam put forward about this picture. Well, Jen, the blond in the background, is an EMT type person. I'm not sure what her exact qualifications are, I'm using that term in a lay fashion. The guy to the left (the Amish beard) is called "Doc", so I assume he has some kind of medical background as well. Jen is the one the cops call though. The guy had impeded the path of a fist for reasons unknown. Something to do with a girl. Unfortunately, he needed stitches so the guys couldn't do much for him besides clean him up. He did repent when that ice cold water hit him in the fifty degree chill.
The next morning, a girl stepped in a hole and twisted/broke her ankle. Jen and Doc were Johny on the spot again. That sort of thing happens often out there. They are good folks.


Alexis Arr. said...

Jen's a fox- woof!

Celtic Gypsy said...

This is why I love my friends out there...Jen is a paramedic...Doc was a medic in the army...Chrystol is a nurse...Missy is a firefighter...Chris works in the jail (as a jailer)...Tessa (not out there this year) was a nurse in the army...Chuck (not there this year) is HPD...Heath was a cop...I could go on with the list but I know that you get the idea...