It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Sammy rubs an old lamp and a genie appears and grants him a wish. Sammy wishes for peace in the Middle East, and the genie looks at the map and says: "Look, mate, I can grant you many things, but this one is an impossibility... people have been trying for this one for 5,000 years and it's a killer... isn't there anything else you'd like to wish for?"
Sammy thinks for a moment and says: "Well, my wife Miriam... she's a bit timid in the bedroom area... is there any chance you could get her interested in oral sex?"
The genie scratches his head for a minute and thinks. Then he says: "Can you just let me have another look at that map of the Middle East?"
Stolen From NormBlog

Shamelessly taken out of context for shits and giggles.

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