It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Fuck-Up Levels
Fuck-Up Description
Reverse Fuck Up, actually works in your favor
Ends up being a moot point. Nothing good or bad happens.
Loss of property
Loss of job or income
Loss of friend
Loss of best friend
Loss of love or separation
Permanent damage to person (below level 9)
Loss of limb or sense
Someone dies
This came up today. I had a level a potential level 7 fuck-up. Don't ask the details. A friend and I originally wrote this list in middle school. I think I got it right. I'm sure there is room for interpretation. You get the idea.

1 comment:

Celtic Gypsy said...

In his defense he was bragging about our wedding. The person he was bragging to is not really welcomed to the wedding. She has hurt many people that are part of the wedding, including me. He gave away just enough details that she now knows where and when the wedding is taking place. I really do not want her there and I do not know how some of the other people will react to her if she shows up. I know that he was just overly happy about our wedding day and I am not mad at him anymore. I was at first because we had talked about her and why I did not want her there. But, I realize that he was just excited and did not think that she might show up. She has done things in the past to hurt people and not feel remorse for it. So yes, there is a chance that she might show up. No matter what I am not letting anyone ruin our wedding day. At the end of day we will have said, "I do." We will be Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Hawkins. I love Kelly more than I could ever put into words. Something like this is not going to stop that or could stop my love for him.