It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Coke, Pepsi, all of them are in cahoots. Caffeine is really a mind control drug. They are just waiting for the right moment to come on TV and satellite radio and throw out the implanted phrase. We will then all tottle off to do their bidding without a stupid smile on our face and an alkali glaze in our eye.

I'm trying to move some 700 megabyte files across my network. It is funny how much stress that puts on MS Windows. My system refuses to do one more thing until the one of the copies finishes. Sure enough, I kill the copies and the system wakes back up. I don't understand how that hammers the computer. I don't understand the intricacies of operating system back-end tasks, but this is copying a frigging file. Give me a break. It isn't just my machine. I've noticed this happening an several Win XP boxes, at work and home. It isn't a magic number either. Sometimes it happens on the second copy. Sometimes it happens on the tenth. It doesn't seem to be related to the amount of memory either. Nor, is it the file. I just started the exact same copies over again and they work fine this time.
On a different note, I logged into my Linux box today. I had a problem with the Win-crap machine next to it. I was just there, and said "I should log in. I never just drop in to say high any more." The machine ran great. I sent an email (Mozilla on Mandrake 9.x works with Gmail font changes just fine.) and then logged out.

Song: Little God
Album: Silver Bell [Unreleased; 2000] [ Search RP ]
Last Played: Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:27 pm
What is with all the unreleased songs playing on on-line radio? This is another good argument against RIAA. There is demand for short run music. They just want to sell every one N-Sync. Bastards!! I hate them SO MUCH!!

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