It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Working on Saturday
I've spent most of today at home working on a simple project for T-pro. It is some documentation for our support page software. Is that boring enough for you. I've put in eight hours, but not eight solid hours. It is kind of fun sitting down and hammering something out. This is just complex enough to require writing it down to follow your own thoughts.
I can sit here and write documentation all day long and it will never satisfy the writing itch that makes me want to keep this blog up. My mom says she wants to writ a book about her life. She has an interesting family life. She should give it a whirl. My mother had nineteen brothers and sisters, but she was raised by an uncle and aunt. She wants to write some of the old stories down. I suggested she should start by writing one thought on a page and repeat. Then go back and ad one or two notes to a thought, and repeat until she has some notes. Then, order the notes and keep adding to them as the stories come to her.
For example:
Anecdote on the ride
Day camp when I was a kid
Lead by a counselor
Not as fun as the hey-ride
Messing up
What does the horse think?
I have to know what I want before the horse will.
Hurting the horse
Getting distracted (The horse knew instantly if I was not paying attention.)
Not knowing how to take care of a horse
Good smell bad smell
People and horses evolve together
Horses I Know
Missouri from Yellowstone
Taz, Robin's horse
I wrote the word Horse, then wrote the topics under it, then wrote the topics under that ... In a couple of minutes you have an outline of my life that surrounds horses. It took me ten minutes.
The next step is to keep adding information under each topic. Either more sub-topics, or the actual story or information. Who know, you might end up with a book.

1 comment:

CyndyMW said...

Want to keep up my blog for a while? It must have gotten so bad that people don't complain anymore when it's not updated for a month.

Maybe you could write in it for a while. My password is...