It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


What is the difference between God and Bill Gates?
God doesn't think he is Bill Gates.

Why should Bill Gates be buried 100 meters deep?
Because, deep down, he is a good guy.

A boy and a girl are bragging about their fathers to one another. The little boy says "My father is an accountant. What does your father do?"
The little girl replies "My dad is Bill Gates."
The little boy, astonished, says "Honest!?"
The little girl says "I didn't say that."

Kid looks up to his dad and says "When I grow up I want to be a musician."
His dad looks back and says "Sorry son, you can't have it both ways."

What kind of bait do you use to catch fish sticks?

Well, it was great. I played two characters, though not at the same time. The first guy died. I didn't really get the role playing. Here is the scenario. A bunch of people in the bar, having some laughs, all end up killing each other. It is a running battle that lasts three hours in real time and maybe five minutes in DnD time. During this five minutes the following happens.
* Several attempted murders.
* A couple of murders.
* An accidental fire.
* A cockroach the size of a horse turns up.
* A ware rat bites both my characters in the ass (at different times).
* An attempted hanging.
* An attempted male goblin vs male human rape.
The health inspector shows up and demands the place be shut down. The bar owner tries to charm her (It's a spell, not a smile). I, the bouncer, and the cook drag her into the kitchen to murder her on the spot, but we must be quiet because just as the door swings shut behind us the local constable walks in. At some point the kitchen catches on fire and burns the bar to the ground around our ears as we beat each other to death with table legs and bear mugs. All in all, a good time.

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