It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I hope this is acurate

People ask me what I think of Texas turning blue. I tell them The people moving in from other states tend to be more conservative, not liberal. People moving in from other countries only settle here if they want to work. This makes them trend more conservative than otherwise. If someone wants a free ride, they tend to go elsewhere.

I have a feeling the liberal city issue will ebb at some point. People will come round to the panhandlers and homeless being more of a problem in the cities and leave, or they will try to do something about it as in elect someone who agrees it is a problem.

The idea that cities will always be more liberal than the country is just a construct of who owns the property and who inherits it. This will fall out in a couple generations. At some point nothing will be left to inherit and things will find an equilibrium. Of course, people only live in cities because they don't want to milk the fucking cows at 4am.

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