It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Quantum conundrum

If you think you understand quantum theory and math, you don't. If you get in over your head and your think you will never get it. You are right.

If you study quantum and you get to a specific point in the theories and think that you are so confused that you should have not made it to this point without having gotten lost long ago, you just might be on the road to getting it.

Have you ever thought about something and felt one moment like you had it and the next like you were completely on the wrong path? That is quantum. In order to get it, you should feel both confident and wishy-washy that you both know what you are doing and are completely lost. Once you occupy both states of intensity and position at the same instant, you will snap in to understanding.

This is not nirvana. You simply understand something. This will not help you go any further. This will not allow you to unlock anything cool in the latest video game. It will be an entire genera of mathematics that was both always there and yet, out of reach, available to you.

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