It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


The litmus test for political/social spectrum

The test

Conservatives believe that people need to be made/coursed to make specific decisions.

Liberals believe that people should have decisions made for them.


Conservatives want rules that reward and penalize people for their decisions. "Why else have rules?"

Liberals want automatic catch all rules that no one can fall through. "Think about the children."


Conservatives believe that every one should have opportunity and a chance. Once they blow the chance they should be run over by society to allow others to have the same opportunity. "Hang'em high!"

Liberals believe there are two layers of society. The people in control and the people being controlled. If these two layers do not exist, create the separation. "Tax the rich."


Conservatives believe government is for the collective defense and support of approved individual decisions and to punish unapproved individual decisions.

Liberals believe that government exists to make approved decisions for people and keep people from making unapproved individual decisions.


These are all ways of restating the first "The test" set of differences. I cannot think of any examples. This is bullshit. It sounded good for a minute. Is there a single filter by which one can determine general tendencies for future decision making of a conservative and liberal nature? I can't wrap my head around the precise line that splits the two ideologies. I'm not trying to divide anyone. Most people probably have bits of their personality from both camps.

What do you think?

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